Send data from Contlo via Zapier
You can use Zapier to send data from Contlo to a third-party platform and vice-versa. Follow the steps below:
On the Zapier App on Contlo, click the Create Zap button.
On Create or edit your Zap, You have to set up 2 steps:
A trigger is a user event that starts your Zap. Follow the steps below to set a trigger:
Click the Trigger block to open the Change trigger modal.
Search and select the Contlo application to set the trigger. It opens Contlo configuration on the side panel. Fill in the required details as follows:
App & event: Choose an event from the Event dropdown that you want to act as the trigger to start the Zap. Contlo has the following events:
- New Profile Created: This event is fired when a new profile is created on Contlo.
- New Subscriber Created: This event is fired when a new subscriber is created for any channel.
Account: Select the Contlo account from the dropdown to fetch the events. If you want to connect a new account, copy the Private API key from Settings > Marketing Settings > API keys on Contlo and add it to Allow Zapier to access your Contlo Account? screen.
Test: Test the trigger you've configured. It fetches the event-related information from Contlo.
An action is a response to the trigger you've set. In this case, the action defines the data sent via Zap to a third-party application when the trigger gets fired on Contlo. Follow the steps below:
- Click the Action block to open the Change Action modal.
- Select the third-party application to configure the action for receiving data via Zap. It opens the third-party application's configuration on the side panel. Fill in the required details.
- Click Publish to take the Zap live.
Updated 11 months ago